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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Insights on better endings

effectively while delivering their ongoing programmes of work and maintaining a focus on their beneficiaries. 8.,And what about funders?,Presently, only a few funders are receptive, but there's a promising growing trend where some funders,are thinking ‘upstream’ and evaluating how their grant cycles impact project endings and wider lifecycles,This will make it straightforward for organisations needing support to find it and demonstrate the value

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the impact of human rights budgeting

Combined, these events have left the sector wrestling with a running costs crisis while the cost-of-living,SCVO would expect to see robust impact assessments where services are moved online, including how they,Priority 8.,There is little data available to demonstrate the sector’s climate impact or the support voluntary organisations,We raise the above issue here because it highlights the value and benefits that multi-year funding would

SCVO response to Becoming a Fair Work Nation consultation

by 2025, they must do more to understand the environment the voluntary sector operates in, and the impact,Please explain how you think these opportunities can be maximised in your sector?,As one of our members said: “Addressing the issue of sustainable funding will have a huge impact on the,To support this, SCVO will continue to promote Fair Work through our events, working and advisory groups,We will work with organisations to ensure their stories are shared and develop case studies that demonstrate

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

or door to door Events (33,206): Either run directly by the charity, or with places in events purchased,It enables such organisations to demonstrate ‘their commitment to best practice, increasing public trust,An alternative perspective was that FRSB membership demonstrated to donors that charities were serious,deliver greater openness and transparency about the operation of charities The public, as one of the main funders,done on their behalf the leadership of charities and how their values are reflected in their actions

Scotland’s Future Survey

As SCVO will be holding an event on referendum issues at our November AGM, we also asked for organisations,Worries about alienating funders, service users/members, and concerns over staff costs were the top three,This demonstrates that for the vast majority of organisations responding to the survey, the Referendum,The top issues can be seen below (Figure 8).,take the opportunity to design and develop a completely new social security system which fits with values