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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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How can Scotland's civil society contribute to the debates about the global economy?

Internship report looking at two questions: 1) Can civil society organizations in Scotland agree on a,2) In the current context in Scotland, is there an opportunity for civil society to participate in the,KEY FINDINGS there is an agreement among civil society organisations in Scotland that we need a different,society wants to contribute more to the debates about the economy, and civil society wants to be heard,Also see Anna's blog:

Programme for Government proposal: Transparent voluntary sector funding

Our sector plays a central role in local economies, including employing over 135,000 across Scotland,society in Scotland’s Open Government Partnership National Action Plans.,As a result of this complexity, Ministers and civil servants regularly use SCVO’s estimates to highlight,Scotland’s involvement in the global Open Government Partnership (OGP) also recognises the need for governments,society.

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the impact of human rights budgeting

About our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil,Last October, SCVO gave evidence to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee.,Fair work can make Scotland’s economy fairer, productive, and efficient.,’s wider economy.,SCVO and others provided significant evidence to the former Economy, Energy, and Fair Work Committee's

Delivery of national equalities and human rights in partnership with the third sector

Appropriate mechanisms and inclusive processes should allow civil society and the public to have a meaningful,Although Scotland is a member of the global Open Government Partnership, there is still a long way for,The positive impact of the budget on society as a whole relies on spending decisions aligning with Scotland's,By acting as an authoritative and trusted voice for the sector, SCVO’s policy and research output is,Further details about SCVO’s policy and research can be found at Contact

Brexit and Scottish independence: a third sector perspective

SCVO and our members believe that the European Union has broadly been good for Scotland and Scotland’,Alzheimer's Scotland fears medical advances could be jeopardised, after a poll of 70 top dementia researchers,society.,SCVO is currently the president of The European Network of National Civil Society Associations (ENNA),This young network brings together national associations, platforms, umbrella, and civil society support

Implications for Scotland and the third sector on leaving the EU

Scotland’s rural economy and communities benefit greatly from LEADER funding, which runs from 2014-2020,There is a fundamental desire for, and are benefits from, close co-operation between European civil societies,Many civil society organisations across Europe are also engaged in business collaborations, such as owning,buildings, trading, recruitment platforms for civil society jobs and community ownership.,It has been suggested that Scottish Civil Society, in conjunction with the Scottish Government may wish