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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Information for new trustees

your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was set,up to do, how it’s trying to achieve its aims and who it’s trying to help.,A good induction will help you understand your role and responsibilities, what the legal structure of,There may also be other regulators that you need to report to, and you should ensure you’re up to date

Structure and governing documents

voluntary sector in Scotland, there is more information about this and other structures in the SCVO guide,to setting up.,up as Trusts.,An unincorporated organisation means a group of people who have decided to work together for a common,interest, without a formal structure.

Changing from a Trust to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation

You may decide that it works for your organisation to change your structure.,Instead, you will have to set up a brand new SCIO and register it with OSCR, transfer all assets etc,You might like to make use of the SCVO model constitutions in our guide to setting up a charity.,Complete and submit the Application for Consent to Wind-up or Dissolve a Charity to OSCR, giving at least

Deciding to close an organisation

Find out what to think about if you’re considering closing or winding up an organisation, and in what,up or the activities you carry out transferring your activities to another organisation you’ve done,the job you set out to do and your work is complete.,already decided that closing your organisation is the best thing to do.,do (and substantial change would need consent from OSCR). restructure: are there any changes to your structure

Decision making and governance

Once you’ve decided what your charity will do you need to think about how you’ll make decisions.,The key choices you must make are: Whether you will have members How you will set up your governing body,Members You will need to decide if a membership organisation is the right structure for your charity.,Don’t be put off setting up a membership organisation just because the steering group can’t identify,If they can, think about how you will support and include them, and whether you need to adapt any of

Who you need

organisation with formal power and responsibility, which are detailed in the governing document, and backed up,Key duties can include: - preparing agendas for the meeting in consultation with the staff and other,agendas for meetings (in consultation with the Chair)taking the minutes of meetings and ensuring back-up

How to write your constitution

Before you start there are a few common issues that you need to think about, whatever legal structure,Winding up At some point in the future you may decide or need to close your charity.,For more information, see the OSCR guide: Wind up or dissolve the charity Support available to help you,write your constitution If you’re setting up an organisation to carry out activities in a local area,It is possible to set up a charity without legal or professional advice but if you are setting up a complex

Unincorporated charities forced to wind up

regulator will mean charities wishing to ensure more protection for their trustees will have to set up,a new body

The third sector is a major social and economic actor

Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary Shona Robison argues for a broader view of what it means to be,a prosperous economy and advocates for the role of the third sector in supporting that.